Q & A

Q & A

HISTORY We have been delivering “Teaching the game” for over 14 years now, and we have seen thousands of boys and girls going through our program. Some of them today play soccer at a competitive level, some others play for fun, and others are playing other sports. The program is recreational and instructional in nature, and we have always been committed to bringing the best soccer experience to our families at their school location. In 2021 we started our partnership with Lou City/Racing  Junior Academy, to offer our families and the players who are interested, the opportunity to enter a competitive Academic environment to pursue their love for the game and further develop as players. 

PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY AND LEARNING OBJECTIVE "Teaching the Game" is an instructional soccer program that creates a fun and safe environment to teach children the game of soccer in their school backyard. During the 8 weeks program, you can expect your player to learn the following: 

  • running and dribbling with the ball 

  • develop ball mastery, fakes and moves 

  • beat and defend an opponent in 1va1, and 2v2 

  • passing 

  • learn the basic tactical principles of attacking and defending playing in small-sided-games



SCHOOLS SOCCER ROSTER  The soccer rosters for each school will be finalized 48 hours before the 8-week session beginning date at your school. KSA will share the roster with the school administration and with the KSA Coaching staff. 

SCHOOL'S DISMISSAL What happens when my child is dismissed from school? We share with the school's administration the soccer roster and attendance sheet and the teachers in the classroom will remind the players about soccer practice during the morning classes and they will also remind them where to go to meet with the KSA soccer coaches. At dismissal time, the KSA coaches will meet the children inside the school in a designated area and will sing the kids in the program. The first week of the program, please send your players to school with a note saying that they are starting KSA soccer. Your child will have to hand this note to the teacher.

Please, note that when you register you will be asked if your child goes to the YMCA CEP ( Child Enrichment Program), goes home with the bus, or if he / she is a car rider. This information is very important, as it allows us and the school's administration to take care of your child. We review attendance with the school’s secretary and we account for every child. 

PICK-UP AND PLAYER SING-OUT AT THE END OF THE SESSION Pick-up and sign-out take place in the gym or in the school backyard at the end of the training session. For your child's safety, we ask you to line up in front of the coach who signs out and show your ID at the end of the training session. In step 2.4 of the registration process, we will collect the information regarding your household and you will let us know who is authorized to pick up your player. If you need to add an authorized person to your household, please email us at Gionatan@kicksocceracademy.com or text (502) 759 11 85, writing the player's First and Last name, the school attending,  and “ I authorize… to pick up my son/daughter" 

What if I am late for pick-up? Right after the sing-out procedure is over, the KSA coach will call the number you have given at the time of registration and he/she will wait with your child until you arrive and sign him/her out. When you arrive, the coach will sign you out writing your time of arrival. Late Fee: please, note that $ 1 will be charged for each minute after the session ending time, and a debit will be generated on your household. 

If you already know that pick-up at the end of the training session might be challenging for you, please consider registering your child for the YMCA CEP ( Children Enrichment Program).


  • Weekly email to families. Each week, starting on 9.9.24  will send the “weekly email to families” which contains general information, videos of activities, important dates, and links to articles or videos on youth sports and coaching. You can expect this email on Monday or Tuesday of each week. 

  • Email to each school group. Each week, on the same day of the session, you will receive an email reminder by 11:00 am. If we have to notify schedule changes such as canceling and rescheduling due to weather, we might write to the group the night before or the same day by 12:30 pm. The email contains the calendar, the name and cell number of the KSA coach who will be at your school, and other relevant logistical information.  Click here to look at the email.  

PARENT COACH VOLUNTEER PROGRAM We welcome parents to volunteer coaching during the training session at the school.  The parent volunteer will work under Coach Gionatan's guidance and supervision and with another KSA coach and eventually on his/her own  You can register for this role in step 2.6 of the registration process. Please follow this link to learn more about this program.

WEATHER POLICY We follow the JCPS Weather Policies and Procedures. In case of heavy rain or snow, the session that is going to be canceled will be rescheduled using the calendar makeup dates. We will alert the school administration and parents no later than 12:30 pm the day of the practice session. If the rain starts when the program has already started we will run the session anyway. If we have lightning and thunderstorms during the session, we will take the players inside the building or to a sheltered area. 

THE KSA "CHILD CODE OF CONDUCT" We strive to create the safest environment and the most creative atmosphere for learning and enjoyment. We want to offer our coaches, parent volunteers, and participants the following behavioral guidelines. Listed below are the rules that participants and families will agree upon when signing the Terms and Conditions on the website at the time of registration. 

  • A child might not hit, kick, bite or push, and adult coach or parent volunteer

  • A child may not bully physically or verbally anyone, for any reason. 

  • A child might not intentionally cause harm to another child. 

  • A child has to follow the KSA verbal instructions in order to be allowed to participate and stay in the program.

The occurrence of this behavior will result in first a "verbal warning" to the child, then a "warning in writing" to the child's family, and in extreme cases dismissal from the program. We allow only one "warning in writing". There will be no refund in case your child is dismissed from the program for the reasons mentioned above. 

MEMBERSHIP  KSA is a member of the United Soccer Coaches and we have adopted the "Complete Coaching Curriculum for children age 3-18" as a framework for all the Academy programs. We have created a "Skill Development Chart"  so you can follow our work by seeing  which areas and which skills are going to be addressed by the KSA activities. 

THE KSA COACHES THE KSA COACHES all have a great deal of experience playing at a recreational and competitive level and coaching youth soccer. They develop close relationships with families, schools, and community partners to create a supportive Academy environment for children to play and develop as players. They all are background checked, have signed the KSA “Youth Coach and Parent Volunteer Code of Conduct”, and they follow the KSA curriculum. 

WHO  IS THE PROGRAM MANAGER? Gionatan Surrenti, Owner and Academy Director, is the After School Soccer Program manager. It is his responsibility to ensure that the program is delivered to the highest standard from an administrative and educational standpoint and to ensure to create a supportive, safe and joyful environment for your children to learn and play soccer. Please, get in touch with him at gionatan@kickssocceracademy.com should you have any questions, concerns, or complaints.



Subscribe to THE KSA YOUTUBE CHANNEL channel to watch the videos that we will be uploading weekly and to watch videos from the past seasons. 

Thanks, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions,

Coach Gionatan 


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